琴日喺荷蘭公司開緊工時,我感覺就係好灰心。我就噉樣諗我自己一個人點樣撐粵語。啲支那人真係好衰嘅。喺Cantonese sheik 網子讀咗啲香港新聞,就話160間香港小學唔用粵語,喊吧冷用Mandarin 國語。香港人係咪想做北京狗,乜啲北京佬話香港小學生要學煲冬瓜。支那想香港變成好似廣州噉樣?我哋粵人唔應該接收呢個發展。證明香港粵人都要畀心機撐粵語粵文化。今日揸緊車返屋企我有噉樣諗:而家喺俄羅斯據行緊冬季奧運會。荷蘭喺滑冰嘅方面贏咗三個金獎牌。啲荷蘭人真係好開心。唔靜之開心,佢哋開心到會着橙色衫。如果支那贏咗金獎牌,支那人梗係開心。我哋粵人點呢? 開唔開心啦?你話嘞!我自己覺得粵人唔雖要關心支那贏獎牌。既然啲支那人想毀滅我哋粵語粵文化,我哋粵人點解要講支那話? 直程唔雖要嘅。全靠2010.07.24廣州人撐粵語我喺2011開似了解支那對粵人嘅語言政策。我就開似想撐粵語。我係第二代嘅
雖然喺荷蘭長大同住咗多過卅呀幾年,我從來冇覺得我係荷蘭人。我嘅荷蘭文重係流利過我嘅廣東話。做人住喺荷蘭成日我諗緊我係乜嘢人:中國人?但係我嘅爸媽之係同我講廣東話。我自己學中文字,但係中文字係用廣東話嚟讀。後嚟買咗啲香港中字典。用Ipa 粵語拼音學粵音。喺荷蘭同香港有買咗好多關粵語嘅書。讀緊粵語,但當時覺得粵語係中文。自從我喺2011撐粵語,我唔覺得我係中國人,支那人。我就覺得我係Cantonese, 廣東人,粵人。呢個係我嘅民族身份。我好鍾意讀粵語,講粵語,寫粵語。 講粵語係好似呼吸噉樣。冇咗粵語我冇咗我嘅民族認同感。I am proud to be Cantonese. 我嘅驕傲就係做粵人。 我愛粵語,我愛粵文化,我愛廣東粵人,我愛廣西粵人,我愛澳門粵人,我愛香港粵人,我愛海南粵人,我愛全世界嘅海外粵人!
粵僑 Yuet Kiuh.
我兩年前搵到一個英文章Cantonese Culture against the rest of China. 即話粵文化對支那。網子:
http://teachabroadchina.com/cantonese-c ... na-bigotr/ 有個鬼佬訪問廣東小姐,話佢憎啲外省人。我話呢粵小姐係講得啱嘅,原因係:1. 我哋粵人響50年代受咗好多苦,事關好多粵人係畀撈頭殺死。2. 而家撈頭繼續蝦我哋粵人:唔畀我哋仔女學粵語。唔該我哋粵人去學英文同粵語。撐粵語!愛我哋粵人!
Important Information says: April 17, 2013 at 11:26 am
Beijing Government actually passed a piece of legislation last March that restricts usage of the Cantonese language in education, government, business and other sectors in an attempt to wipe out Cantonese culture. Shanghainese and Mandarin speakers tend to look down on Cantonese people for historically migrating abroad (they see it as being a “traitor” to the “Motherland”) and being good business people. In reality, Cantonese people actually are more Chinese than the rest of China. It is the Cantonese people who still practice the indigenous Chinese religion and revere their ancestors. This practice has been lost in the rest of China, where the only thing worshipped is the dollar. What people need to understand is that Mandarin speakers in China are like white people in the US, and Cantonese people in China are like black people in the US in terms of the social structure. The difference is that in China there is no protection for the minority or rights given to the minority groups. China is like America before civil rights. As I mentioned earlier, the Cantonese language has been restricted in Canton province, the actual homeland of said language —is this just? Any American who lives in China and actually comes to the defense of Mandarin people in this type of situation is no better than a white person in America defending a white racist. People need to understand that just because someone is from another country and speaks another language does not mean that they are not racists themselves. You may meet a Mandarin speaker and think that you are being multicultural and non-racist by making a “Chinese” friend, but did you ever stop to think that maybe your Chinese friend is racist himself, except instead of white racist towards black they are Mandarin racist towards Cantonese? And to think that there are people who would support Mandarin speakers when Cantonese people are obviously being oppressed just shows that racism still exists in America as well. It is akin to Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany being allies. White racists and Mandarin racists are allies now, apparent from the stance taken by the author of this article. That is wrong and the author of this article is disgusting. And if someone says Cantonese people are being racist towards Mandarin people, look up the term reverse racism — it does not exist in reality. If I limit you from speaking your language and oppress your people, and your people then hate me and my people, is it fair for me to call you a racist? No. Whereas Cantonese people’s attitude towards Mandarin people is simply a response to being oppressed and discriminated against, Mandarin people’s attitude towards Cantonese people is just one derived from a superiority complex and racist sentiment, very much like the white-black relations in the US. I am a proud Hoisan Cantonese, and in response to Demerzel’s comment, the Shanghainese you mention as the builders of Hong Kong must have not been so great because they are all Cantonese speakers now and very proud of it. They know nothing of their Shanghainese roots and would care less. It’s so funny how the author of this article tries to say that Cantonese people look down on Mandarin people, because out of all the Cantonese people I have met most of them have never even displayed anti-Mandarin sentiment; it is funny because in fact Mandarin speakers are the ones who look down on Cantonese people, so you need to get your story straight little boy. Come out and play with the big boys after you’ve read a book and grown up a lot more.
Jimmy says: June 15, 2010 at 2:49 pm
There is historical background why Cantonese people hate people from the North. That was back to 50s last century when Mao Zedong appointed Ye Jianying as General Secretary of Guandong and Ye was a Native Hakka who friendly to Cantonese people. In the 50s, Mao launched the “Land Reform” which encouraged “peasants” to kill “landlords” in order to obtain lands and farming equipments. The rest of China was doing pretty “well” of the Land Reform by killing hundred of thousand of “landlords” but Ye Jianying who lived in Cantonese region for a long time knew that a lot of lands in Cantonese rural areas belong to overseas Chinese and many of them are actually supporting welfares of the whole clan such as schooling for poor kids. Ye adopted a mild way of Land Reform by not killing too many. Mao Zedong was not happy about Ye’s performance and replace Ye and sent Tao Zhu and Zhao Ziyang to lead the “Land Reform” of Guangdong Province. The result was not only Ye was replaced, but most of native Cantonese officials were replaced by communist officials from the north who did not speak a word of Cantonese and even did not know how to write Chinese. What they did was like Pol Pot, killing many people and even their Cantonese comrades since they were not “pure” and contaminated by Capitalism thoughts. That was a easy excuse since even Communist officials in Guangdong Province have relatives in Hong Kong. After that political cleansing, hundred of thousands of Cantonese officials and “landlords” were executed and Cantonese people had been discriminated politically since then. The “Land Reform” was tragedy for all Chinese. But you can tell the different between Cantonese people and the rest of China. The rest of China was the people speaks the same language/dialect kill each others. In Guangdong Province was People from the North kill Cantonese. The Communist party defined Cantonese as a branch of Han but they just treat Cantonese as minority similar to tibetans. Political and ethnic genocide towards Cantonese were no better than tibetans. Tibetans flowed to India alive and Cantonese Flowed to Hong Kong as dead bodies. Not until 80′s the PLA would shot anyone in the back who tried to escape to Hong Kong. One of routine jobs of Marine Police in Hong Kong from 50s to 70s was collected floating bodies from Pearl River. The interesting point of the Article was accusing Cantonese Men look down upon Women. I think that was not only Cantonese culture but also Chinese Culture. Your American friend should go to “the rest” of China to see men beat their wives on the street which hardly seen on the street of Guangdong. Cantonese people were killed and discriminated politically by the North people for decades. Now Cantonese people got rich and were not killed massively as before but still under discrimination. Most of them could not tell the difference between common people from the north or communist officials who killed their family members. They just hate them all. If an ethnic group were killed and discriminated by people who speaks a certain language for half centuries, are you sure that ethnic group would not hate that language and people who spoke it?
[Reply] — 與 Cantonese Yuet Kiuh